Brunch digital ads

The Bethel Democratic Town Committee

Is Proud to Present

Matthew Knickerbocker

With the Bill & Jane Shannon Award for Community Service


Nicholas Vitti

with the Clifford J. Hurgin Democrat of the Year Award

Sunday, September 29th, 2024 at 12 p.m.

Mix Prime Steakhouse & Fish, 40 Mill Plain Rd. Danbury (203) 825-4444

Ads for the digital program booklet are priced as follows:

Back Cover: $250.00

Inside (front or back) cover: $200.00

Full page: $100.00

Half-page: $60.00

Quarter page: $40.00

For ADS:

  • Digital submissions for ads (preferred) may be sent to: 
  • Alice Hutchinson: Byrd002@yahoo.complease indicate is it is for a full, half or quarter page 
  • If you would like one of the covers, please email Alice first to gauge availability
  • Hard copy ad, (like business cards- ¼ page) send card/text to BDTC P.O. Box 148 Bethel, CT 06801 (call Alice for questions)
  • For PAYMENT:               
  • To use credit card to pay on our site here
  • You may snail mail check and completed Advertising Purchase Certification (below) to:  
  • BDTC P.O. Box 148 Bethel, CT 06801. Personal or Business checks, payable to BDTC may be used for the program book.

Copy and Payment must be received by Friday, September 20th

to be included in the digital program book.

For general information please contact Alice Hutchinson at or leave message at (203) 733-0677


I would like to take an ad in the BDTC ad book:

___ Back Cover ($250)  

___ Inside cover (front or back- $200)

___ Full page ($100)

___ Half page ($60)

___ Quarter page (business card size-$40)

Name:         Email:             Phone:


Paid for and approved by the Bethel Democratic Town Committee; Rob Stowell, treasurer